Miss Emily.
Like Rain it sounded till it curved
And then I knew 'twas Wind --
It walked as wet as any Wave
But swept as dry as sand --
When it had pushed itself away
To some remotest Plain
A coming as of Hosts was heard
It filled the Wells, it pleased the Pools
It warbled in the Road --
It pulled the spigot from the Hills
And let the Floods abroad --
It loosened acres, lifted seas
The sites of Centres stirred
Then like Elijah rode away
Upon a Wheel of Cloud.
There is wind and rain today, and I love the rain so much. I am trying to be more careful using the word 'love' - expressing affection, affinity, preference, pleasure and joy is so easily done with the word love. But love is a sacred thing; no one understands it fully. It isn't a silvery thread woven through our universe, but rather the very essence of the good and beautiful and lasting things that compose our existence. God is love.
So I suppose I should say that I have that have a very great fondness for the rain.
I always write when it rains, and I could try and describe what is so beautiful about it each time the clouds cover the sky.
There is something I like about the soft lights that have to be turned on in the middle of the day. I like how everyone curls up - at a table in the kitchen, on a sofa, in someone's arms - and set about what they are doing in a little less urgent way. The rain makes you slow down, stay inside, and dwell for a little while in calm quiet. My heart is the most full, the most content in that kind of unhurried peace. The light is lower and gentler, the sounds are hushed and everyone seems to recognize that the world is not so important as we think it is. We are in a state of rest, even as we go about everyday work, or sleep, or play.