On a page of penciled writing,
Varying in value and thickness, erasable words are recorded in rows. In columns, scribbled in the margins; some writing is emboldened and underlined, some slashed through and crossed out, some completely rubbed away and written over.
In the middle of this page are three words written in unadulterated black ink.
God is love.
That is my immovable truth. Regardless of what else I scribble, question, consider, challenge, destroy, or discover, this is what I am built upon.
I want to continue exploring the pencil truths, and perhaps eventually there shall be a more words of ink written in my heart. I know that I have much to learn and I am a child. While I am enjoying the transience of my erasable ideas and learning from them, I must also be aware of the importance in discovering God's permanent realities. I have to seek out the stones, while sifting sand through my fingers.
And through everything, I must remember that there is very little I need to know and understand. I am a little girl, I must stay a little girl, and come to sit at the feet of Jesus. A little girl who knows nothing more about Him but that He loves her, and she can love Him in return.