Monday, November 29, 2010

Time to count blessings:

Because of my aforementioned discontent, I ought to find no less than twenty good things. I've got at least fifty blessings on just a square inch of the back of my hand I'm sure, but twenty to start with for now.

One. My more-than-comfortable bed.
Two. Advil for headaches.
Three. A roommate to motivate me to take said Advil.
Four. A pair of glasses to help my eyes see.
Five. Strings of christmas lights in our room and wrapped around trees.
Six. Texting that allows me to laugh with a sister who is on the other side of the country.
Seven. Hot, running, clean water to turn on and off without a thought.
Eight. A finger ring of mysterious black wood, found floating in the ocean by my sister who eventually passed it on to my hand.
Nine. A welcoming and generous family taking me in for the holiday.
Ten. Socks on my feet, with ten more pairs in the drawer.
Eleven. A full stomach.
Twelve. Memories poked and pressed like a mint leaf by the Christmas decorations that are appearing.
Thirteen. Hugs, hands, respectful human touch that grounds a person so well.
Fourteen. Color in the world - color that changes too.
Fifteen. Megan laughing across from me with her headphones in.
Sixteen. A patient book of true holy things that will remain true when I don't.
Seventeen. Frost on the grass.
Eighteen. Frost disappearing in the morning when the sun comes up over campus.
Nineteen. Classes to go to.
Twenty. A ticket home.

It's hard to make a happy list when you aren't happy. Even when you have no reason whatsoever in the world to be unhappy...but God won't forsake me to my own greedy dismissal of the good things that more than half of the world is denied.
I want more humility - I've been asking for it, and He gives it to me in sticky red spoonfuls. Maybe I could write a Christmas list with those kinds of things on it...

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