Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It is almost ten o’clock, I can see the snow falling from my window by the street lamps and I feel better in spirit. It is good to be home here with my friends. Kaethe and I watched a half hour of His Girl Friday, and we will finish it later on. I have homework to get done. My newly accquired, two-dollar copy of Anna Karenina sits on my bookshelf, a crumpled tissue with spots of blood from my running nose sits ontop of it. I am imagining that it is too cold outside for people to be walking around, but there are still some trails of footprints on the powdered sidewalk. The orangey yellow lights in the parkinglot illuminate huge piles of ploughed snow, and a couple standing at their car, sometimes kissing, sometimes kicking the snow at their feet.

Megan turned out her light, my head is so congested and I have felt like going to sleep since we had lunch today so I will finish my work in the morning. Class begins at 11.30, Work and Vocation with Doctor Carmer, then Life Drawing immediately after with Professor Seitz. I am excited, my body is not feeling well at the moment, but I feel a membrane-like layer of hope. It’s thin and kind of see-through, but it’s resilient; sticks together and holds its form even when it gets a little stretched or pulled on.

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